Radio Estereo Mulukuku

In March of 2004, RaPo set up a radio station in Mulukukú, a rural municipality located on the border of the North and South Atlantic Autonomous Regions of Nicaragua.

The station is being managed by the Maria Luisa Ortiz Cooperative and Women's Health Center. This cooperative was founded by a group of women working together to rebuild their communities after they were destroyed by Hurricane Joan in 1988. In 1991, the cooperative established the Women's Health Center, which now provides medical care for a population of 30,000 inhabitants, in Mulukukú and the surrounding areas. Other projects of the cooperative include literacy classes, preschools, reforestation, and programs in nutrition, prevention of family violence, and midwifery.

Their radio station is being used primarily for education, and will play a central role in the development of their community. Currently, they are on the air 7 days a week and have boosted their power to 300 watts. They reach a radius of up to 20-30 miles.